How Dennis Brown Went From Not Knowing What a Freight Broker Was to Doing Over $80 Million a Year in Sales!

Learn how he became a freight broker or freight agent in 30 days or less.
Dennis Brown is the founding CEO of Logistic Dynamics and the Freight Broker Bootcamp.
Dennis Brown is living proof that you can make huge money as a freight broker or freight agent! The fact of the matter is you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to make money as a freight broker but like any business, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it.
When he started he had NO EXPERIENCE but he eventually grew it to over $6 million per month in sales!
What is a Freight Broker?
Freight brokers help shippers that need to move freight from point A to point B by finding a carrier (trucking company) that will haul the freight for slightly less than the shipper is willing to pay them… thus the term BROKER!
In other words freight brokers, sometimes referred to as load brokers, truck brokers, or transportation brokers, are all middle men that match available shipper freight with available trucks while earning between 10% and 35% profit per shipment.
“That means brokers typically earn between $100 to $500 per shipments but I have earned as much as $5,175 per shipment just for finding a truck to haul our customer’s freight!” Says Dennis Brown.
Now the only question is how many loads do you think you can you move per day… 1, 2, 10 or more? Before we get to that.
Why become a Freight Broker?
- No experience is necessary to get started!
- Be a part to a $400 billion industry that is growing!
- Run your business from home!
- Very low start up cost!
- Huge income potential!
- Brokering doesn’t require employees!
- Do business anywhere in the U.S. Canada or even International!
- Easy to relocate, all you need is phone, internet and KNOW HOW!
- You can always sell your business or pass it on to your family!
- Easy and profitable add on to existing trucking operations!
- And much more…
No special background is required to become a freight broker. With the proper determination and training almost anyone can become a freight broker.
Consider this for a moment
Supply-and-Demand. It never stops – Ever! So as long as there are people on Earth, there will remain a continuous market for freight to be moved. Unlike many other industries, the transportation business has two extremely valuable elements with virtually NO limits: consumption and production.
Every day people and businesses buy, sell and consume products! You know what? Those products must be shipped and year after year freight brokers control and move more and more of the worlds freight!
Everything you use or consume throughout your day has likely been on a truck at one point. Freight is everywhere and the demand for transportation will only increase with time. You simply need to know how and where to look to find it. No, it’s not rocket science, but like anything there is a right way and wrong way to do it and the difference between the two can be either costly or profitable!
Click Here To Learn How To Become a Freight Broker.
So What Will You Learn In His Online Freight Broker Training?
- Learn your role as either broker or agent
- How to reduce, and even eliminate, unnecessary startup costs
- How to apply for your freight broker license
- How to get your freight broker bond or trust
- Learn what tools you need to effectively operate as a broker or agent
- Learn the pro’s and con’s of factoring invoices
- How to find and contact shippers
- How to navigate business credit, both yours and your customers
- How to find, negotiate and contract with carriers
- Learn the difference between co-brokering and double brokering
- How to properly dispatch and track your freight
- How to quickly and cost effectively setup your home office
- How to use loads boards effectively
- How to easily and accurate understand rates in almost any lane
- Learn successful selling and negotiating strategies & techniques
- How to get involved in niche markets like automobile transport & dump trucks
- How to start shipping for the Dept of Defense (DOD)
- How to make money even more money by adding independent freight agents
- Learn proven strategies that can propel you to into profit quickly
- And much more!!!!!!!!!
Click Here To Learn How To Become a Freight Broker.
*Available To International Business Customers.